Tummy Tuck

In today's body-conscious culture, our size and shape are given more importance. Diet and exercise are used to manage any physical changes. However, some parts of our bodies can develop a tenacious resistance to any changes. It can be quite challenging for certain people to obtain a "flat stomach" due to localized fat accumulation and muscle laxity in the abdominal area 

What is tummy tuck surgery?

The body sculpting treatment called abdominoplasty, more popularly known as a "tummy tuck surgery," removes extra skin and fat from the abdomen to show a smoother, flatter stomach. In cases when the abdominal muscles have weakened due to pregnancy, the operation may also combine the removal of extra skin and fat from the abdominal area with tightening. Women frequently discover loose skin as well as extra body fat, which can only be fixed with a tummy tuck surgery and not just liposuction alone. It is one of the most popular operations for women who have undergone delivery, recently given birth to a baby or undergone drastic weight loss.

What are the advantages of getting a Tummy Tuck?

Your silhouette will change permanently after a tummy-tuck surgery. The surgery results in a tighter, more appealing abdominal core, which boosts one's confidence. You'll also experience an increase in self-assurance!

Additional benefits of an abdominoplasty:

  • Less extra skin will show your appealing abdominal features.
  • treated strained muscles of the abdomen
  • increased self-confidence
  • flatter and firmer stomach
  • improved waist-to-hip ratio
  • increased outfit options
  • Long-term outcomes.

Who is an ideal candidate for Tummy Tuck?

Patients seeking tummy tucks do so because they are unhappy with their midsection. The following criteria must be met by potential patients:

  • Patients must be in good health and free from major medical conditions.
  • Patients are dissatisfied with the loose, slack skin and tissue that has developed in the abdomen region as a result of prior surgeries, pregnancy, weight reduction, or aging.
  • Candidates must be under 35 BMI in terms of weight. The fact that a tummy tuck should not be considered a weight loss plan should be acknowledged.
  • Committed to maintaining results, by eating healthily and exercising frequently after recovery.
  • Be realistic and optimistic about the potential benefits of a belly tuck.

How is Tummy Tuck done?

After the anesthesia, the surgeon places discreetly located incisions in the abdominal area. The length and number of incisions will depend on the technique applied. 

Navel repositioning may be required in many tummy- tuck cases. The tightened and lifted abdomen is given a more natural appearance by tightening the sagging muscles

The abdominal skin and abdominal walls will be separated through the incisions. To give the muscles a more toned appearance, they will be sewn into place and brought closer together. The waistline will appear slimmer as the abdominal muscles are tightened.

The surgeon then pulls the skin downward to tighten and smooth it. Later, extra skin will be removed by trimming. In some situations, liposuction could be done now to get rid of extra fat before the skin is pushed taut.

Surgical stitches will be used to sew the skin together. This will give the wounds time to heal naturally. To collect extra fluid and reduce the risk of infection, a surgical drain is placed beneath the skin at the site of incisions which will be removed at the time of removing the stitches.

How much time will recovery take?

It typically takes about 6 to 8 weeks to heal. Movement may be restricted until that point because of minimal swelling and discomfort. Your doctor will explain how to care for the drains until they are removed. To promote blood flow, take your prescribed medications as suggested and go on brief walks. In 2-4 weeks, light activities can be resumed. After another six weeks, you can begin engaging in strenuous activities like exercising. Additionally, a compression garment will be provided for you to wear for two weeks in order to preserve the integrity of the outcomes and avoid swelling.

How much does Tummy Tuck cost in Delhi?

Your tummy tuck procedure's final cost is influenced by a number of factors. This relates to the precise technique used, whether liposuction was added to the procedure, and whether any related treatments were added. You get a precise estimate at your appointment. The tummy tuck cost in Delhi typically varies between Rs. 80,000 to Rs. 1,50,000.

Why choose Dr. Madan’s Aesthetic Clinic for your Tummy Tuck procedure?

Dr. Madan’s Aesthetic Clinic is proud to be a home to some of the best tummy tuck surgeons in Delhi with the expertise to carry out all types of tummy tuck including Traditional Tummy Tuck, Mini tummy tuck, and Extended Tummy Tuck procedures.

With us, patients can depend on excellent service and results. Here, only advanced surgical methods are used to ensure efficacy and safety for patients. The surgical team at Dr. Madan’s Aesthetic Clinic is up to the task of creating a desired aesthetic. Dr. Madan’s Aesthetic Clinic takes time to carefully assess their patient’s expectations to select the most appropriate surgical technique thereby achieving the best outcomes.

WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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