Cavitation For Fat Loss

Does zero size matter? Of course not. We don't agree with the hype and the stigma of size-zero figures that too in these days when body positivity is all over the internet, but we can't deny the privileges of a healthy body or the confidence brought by a shaped body. People with fatty bodies are constantly trying to lose weight over a period, and trust us we know that nothing is more disappointing than failing in seeing a small change in the body.

So, are you struggling for a shaped body, to get rid of the unruly back fat, waist fat or dismal celluli te? Are you tired of following strict diet rules, exercising, and what not to achieve a desiring shaped body?

To begin with the cause of the problem, you might not be able to lose weight because of the conventional idea of losing weight, which results in slow metabolism causing difficulty to shed the fat. However, luckily recent advancements in the field of medical science have found a method to reduce fat without dragging your body into the dread of hard exercises and diet charts.

Yes, we Dr Madan's aesthetics have got the solution to your problem. Ultrasound fat cavitation therapy is one of the trendiest aesthetic treatments to eliminate some extra inches from your body to achieve immediate results of fat loss. Let us acknowledge you with a more detailed description of the procedure of cavitation for fat loss.

What is Cavitation Fat Loss Therapy?

The noninvasive and commonly used procedure of cavitation for fat loss involves the use of ultrasound and radio rays in order to tear down the accumulated fat cells and cellulite without impacting the vital organs and cells near them. This procedure then results in allowing the obstructed fat cells to begin through the natural digestive system process.

The prime advantage of this ultrasound cavitation of fat loss is that unlike any other fat loss treatment either be it surgery or any other, the cavitation procedure does not cause any pain, discomfort, bleeding, scarring or any risk of possible infection. In addition, it doesn't require any period for recovery.

Dr Madan is one of the most experienced professionals to perform this noninvasive procedure of fat loss in New Delhi.

Who can get

Like any other therapy, some certain limitations and criteria need to be followed. So it depends on various assets, who can get a therapy of ultrasound cavitation. The standard hopefuls for ultrasound cavitation therapy are usually of good health but seem relatively overweight or obese.

The persistent conditions or situations that are not suitable to be a worthy candidate for ultrasound cavitation therapy are :

  • An individual who is pregnant, or lactating.
  • The candidates who are taking drugs like anticoagulants.
  • For Individuals with pacemakers or other metal Implants.
  • Patients who underwent any kind of surgery recently.
  • Individuals with any infection or contagious illness.
  • Individuals pertaining to any disorder of the lymph system, immunodeficiencies, or any other systemic health conditions like cardiac diseases, diabetes, or cancer.
  • Patients with epilepsy and hypertension, tuberculosis.
  • Any blood diseases like hemophilia.

It is important to discuss the complete medical history with your doctor before opting for any treatment or therapy. So if you are confused, Consult Dr. Puneet Madan, today for satisfactory and safe outcomes and treatment.

How does Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Therapy work?

It's always essential to discuss the steps of the procedure with your doctor before you start with it. There are several steps involved in the therapy of Ultrasound Cavitation fat loss:

  1. To begin with, the doctor or assistant will connect a low-level hand tool transmitting ultrasonic rays to the skin of an individual undergoing the therapy.
  1. The compression-expansion impulses generated from the tool will create microbubbles.
  1. In addition, these microbubbles will then follow a chain in which these bubbles will expand, bump into each other and will implode.
  1. This implosion will generate shock waves resulting in the exudation of contents of fat cells.
  1. Furthermore, This exudation is called cavitation, and the restricted contents will then be distilled via the liver and are discharged from the body in the form of sweat or digestive elimination.

How Much Body Region Is Dealt With During The Cavitation procedure?

According to professionals, it is estimated that a one-hour procedure can encompass a medium-sized area of the body. The body regions like the tummy, the inner and outer thigh region, the buttocks and the back. The relatively smaller regions of the body such as the chin, and upper arm, all can be doctored jointly.

For effective and desired results, your doctor will recommend you multiple treatments in the same regions. For instance, to deduct the excess belly fat usually requires three to six sittings, and as same, the larger regions will require more.

What To Expect After The Ultrasound Cavitation Therapy?

Yes, we are aware of the query you have in your mind. Are the results of fat cavitation visible immediately or not? This is the most widely asked question.

We are not here to set any wrong expectations about the treatment and its results. The immediate results of the fat cavitation might be visible in some cases. However, to see the complete results of the therapy the patient is asked to complete the entire process which holds several days. On average the peak outcomes are generally noticeable within 72 hours of treatment.

Moreover, the result of the fat cavitation somehow depends on the condition of the deducted fat, the duration for which it prevailed and the density. Usually, a deduction of at least 1 to 2 inches can be seen after the first sitting and up to 2 inches of fat loss after every successive sitting of the therapy.

Does Ultrasonic Cavitation result in saggy skin?

The query of saggy skin post-treatment is quite common and sensible to ask. But unlike other fat-loss therapies ultrasound cavitation therapy results actually vary.

Ultrasonic Cavitation has a compact influence on the skin and sourdough muscle tissues, which comprises the loose skin from prior weight-loss efforts.

What Are The Benefits Of Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Treatment?

There are several benefits exist from the treatment of Cavitation for Fat loss, some of the underlying benefits are :

  • Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Therapy is Non-Invasive

Unlike liposuction, Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation does not require surgical intervention, so no anesthesia, blood, or bandages are required. Instead, the treatment relies on high-frequency sound waves to help you shed inches without causing physical trauma.

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation Fat Therapy is a Natural

Ultrasonic Cavitation for Fat loss, this therapy uses low-power ultrasonic waves to tear down fat cells into a liquid while leaving the surrounding tissue intact. Once the fat cells are liquefied, they are removed from your system by your body's natural elimination processes.

  • Ultrasonic cavitation fat therapy is painless.

You should not feel any discomfort during and after the procedure sensation of gentle warmth as the ultrasonic wand works through the skin.

  • Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Therapy is Safe

Ultrasound is routinely used for many diagnostic and therapeutic medical procedures. There are practically no risks, especially when compared to other methods of fat reduction that require invasive surgical procedures.

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation Fat Therapy is Fast

Each Cavitation procedure weight loss Therapy session lasts for approximately 60 minutes, making it the perfect mid-day treatment. There's no rest time and all you have to do is drink lots of water.

  • Ultrasonic cavitation fat therapy is immediate.

Outcomes of the cavitation therapy are often immediately visible; Sometimes you can see a difference right after just the first treatment. Optimal results are seen in as little as three days. Depending on your body composition, it may take six to 12 treatments to reach your goals. Fat therapy with ultrasonic cavitation is simple.

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation Fat Therapy is Effective

When diet and exercise don't give you the desired results, Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Therapy delivers a treatment that specializes in deducting the fat. This can reshape your body, eliminate cellulite and enhance confidence in the skin you have.

What Is The Cost Of Cavitation For Fat Loss?

Ultrasound cavitation for weight loss is not as expensive as typical liposuction surgery. The average cost of the procedure is about Rs.20,000 to Rs.40,000.

Nonetheless, the cost of the treatment varies on various factors such as

  • Number of sittings
  • Area to be treated
  • The location of the clinic or hospital
  • The facilities provided by the authority
  • The professional.


We are popular for providing cost-effective, satisfactory, and safe cosmetic treatments in New Delhi. Dr. Madan's aesthetics are delivering the best cosmetic treatment, by the most experienced and skilled professionals. Dr. Madan Aesthetics guarantees the practice of the latest appliances, medication and strategies to deliver their patients the desired outcomes.

WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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