Breast Implant In Delhi

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, sometimes known as "boob augmentation" or "boob implants," is the process of enlarging your breasts by using breast implants or fat transfer. This technique is used to augment and sculpt the breasts and can also help with natural breast size asymmetry, achieve a more rounded breast shape, and restore breast volume lost during pregnancy or after weight loss.

Why Is Breast Augmentation Done?

The breasts are often reshaped, the cleavage is enhanced, and unequal breasts are fixed during the augmentation procedure. Women who traditionally had smaller breasts tend to be interested in this treatment. Patients who originally had larger breasts but lost volume and shape due to weight fluctuations, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or other circumstances are also interested in it.

What are the benefits of Breast Augmentation (Enlargement)?

  • Enlarge the size and volume of smaller breasts
  • Enhance the look of the nipples and overall breast form
  • Make your breast area look appealing by adding fullness and cleavage.
  • Increase the size, firmness, and volume of the breasts and cleavage.
  • improving the appearance of asymmetrical breasts
  • Improve symmetry between the breast and hip outlines.
  • Improve your confidence and self-image.

Note that severely sagging breasts cannot be fixed by breast augmentation. A breast lift may be necessary, in addition to breast augmentation for sagging breasts to look raised and fuller.

Options for Breast Implants

Based on your physical needs, body shape, existing breast tissue, and desired outcome, our expert surgeons for breast augmentation will advise you on the optimum implant size and placement.

Size: Breast implants' sizes are expressed in cubic centimeters (or CCs), not in terms of cup sizes, such as 350cc or 400cc.

Shape: Implants come in either a round or anatomical shape (also known as teardrop).

Placement:  Submuscular, subglandular, and subfascial placement of breast implants refers to the location where the implant is placed. It includes under the muscle, over the muscle, or partially between both.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Breast augmentation procedure lasts between 30 mins and 1 hour and is carried out under general anesthesia. You can either stay for a day or overnight to recover, depending on the surgeon's advice, your personal preferences, and if there is a choice at the hospital.

To reduce visible scars, incisions are performed in discrete areas. There are several possible incision locations, including the armpit, the fold under the breast, and the areolar margin (periareolar incision) (axillary incision).

After the incision is performed, the breast implant is placed into a pocket either directly behind the breast tissue, above the pectoral muscle, or under the pectoral muscle.

Layered sutures are used to close breast tissue incisions, and surgical tape, sutures, or skin adhesive is used to close skin incisions and the incision lines fade over time.

What is Recovery Like?

The breasts and surrounding tissues may bruise and swell during the healing process. Following the surgery, there may also be some tightness, soreness, and sensitivity.

Gauze dressings are applied to the breasts, and an elastic bandage or support bra helps reduce swelling and supports the breasts as they heal. 

 A follow-up appointment with your plastic surgeon and specific postoperative instructions are also provided. Painkillers and antibiotics for infection prevention are also prescribed drugs.

As directed by your plastic surgeon, wear the support item (a bra or elastic band called a bandeau) constantly. Until you have permission to increase your exercise level, take it easy. After 7 to 14 days, the pain usually goes away.

Is Breast Augmentation for me?

Breast Augmentation may be right for you if you are concerned with:

  • underdeveloped or low-volume breasts (flat-looking chests)
  • little sagging of the breasts
  • irregular breasts (asymmetric breasts)
  • pointed breasts or puffy nipples
  • little glandular tissue and low body fat
  • Size of the upper pole and the absence of upper pole cleavage
  • can aid in restoring lost volume after pregnancy, breastfeeding, and weight loss.
  • Feel ashamed or self-conscious about your breasts
  • reconstruction following a mastectomy

How much does Breast Augmentation surgery cost?

The whole Surgery is customized and your surgeon will give you a breast surgery cost, depending on the type of procedure you are having, the plastic Surgeon’s fee, the hospital you attend, and the duration of your stay.

After your initial consultation, you are typically given a detailed quote. A breast implant surgery on average costs between Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1,50,000 approximately. 

Why should you opt for Dr. Madan’s Aesthetics for your breast augmentation?

Surgeons at Dr. Madan’s Aesthetics are well-known for years of experience in the field of breast implant surgery. The cosmetic surgery team uses safe and cutting-edge technology with the latest equipment that ensures fixing all cosmetic issues and health problems related to them without any complication. The surgeons and staff at Dr. Madan’s Aesthetics not only value your privacy but also provide personalized prior physical assessment and post-operative visits after every cosmetic procedure to ensure your satisfaction.

WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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