Tattoo Removal In Delhi

Gone are the days when tattoos used to be permanent or tattoo removal processes were too risky. With Dr. Madan Aesthetics, you can now get rid of a fading tattoo or a tattoo you do not want anymore under expert supervision. The use of advanced technology, standard protocols, and proper sanitation and management allows us to provide you with the best tattoo removal treatment without any risks and/or complications.

To consult with a professional about the eligibility, the procedure in detail, and expected results for tattoo removal in Delhi, contact Dr. Puneet Madan now.

Best Doctor For Laser Tattoo Removal In Delhi 

Dr. Puneet Madan has over 12 years of experience and is the best dermatologist in Delhi for a tattoo removal procedure. He believes that every skin is different and requires distinct care and approach. Therefore, he provides personalized attention to every patient and suggests a tattoo removal procedure best suited to them.

With specialization in various advanced techniques including laser tattoo removal, Dr. Puneet Madan has helped numerous people efface unwanted tattoos without any ill-effects. 

Best Methods For Tattoo Removal In Delhi 

Over the years, several methods have emerged to aid the removal of unwanted tattoos. Many of these techniques are prescribed and practiced by medical professionals. Some of the best methods for removing a tattoo offered at Dr. Madan Aesthetics include:

1. Laser Tattoo Removal

This method involves using laser beams to dissolve and remove the tattoo ink settled in the subcutaneous layers of your skin. Our experts deliver a pulsed laser beam with adjustable intensity to the tattooed areas of your skin using a specialized laser-emitting device. These beams produce heat in your dermal layers which causes the ink particles to disintegrate. Your immune system then identifies these dissociated particles and flushes them out from the area.

2. Dermabrasion

This is an exfoliating procedure that uses the principle of sanding. It helps in tattoo removal by eliminating the top layers of your skin. Our doctors use a wand-like device that exfoliates your skin and aids in the disintegration of the tattoo ink. You may require multiple sessions for the best results. Individuals with sensitive skin, active eczema, and other skin conditions must consult with a dermatologist before undergoing this procedure.

3. Subcutaneous Injection

This method makes use of glycolic acid injections that are introduced into the subcutaneous layers of the tattooed areas of your skin. The acid causes the tattoo ink to dissolve and get flushed out by your body’s immunity. You may require multiple sessions based on the nature of your tattoo.

4. Surgical Removal

This is the most invasive tattoo removal technique but also guarantees permanent tattoo removal. Our doctors remove the tattooed area of your skin and suture the area around it. As this method causes scarring, it is often only suggested for smaller but more stubborn tattoos.

After Care And Recovery 

At Dr. Madan Aesthetics, our professional experts guide you after the treatment to ensure a quick and efficient recovery. The instructions for tattoo removal aftercare vary based on the method opted for.

Listed below are some common instructions to follow during your recovery period after undergoing tattoo removal in Delhi:

  • Avoid rubbing or frequently touching the treated area
  • Do not use scrubs, exfoliators, or any harsh products on the treated area for at least a week
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight
  • Religiously take the medications, if any, as prescribed by the doctor
  • Follow the doctor’s instructions to ensure a hassle-free recovery

The recovery period and break required before you return to your work depend on the treatment method. Talk to your doctor about the same and follow their instructions.

Things To Consider Before Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment 

Before you opt for a laser tattoo removal, here are a few things you must consider:

  • Set clear expectations by consulting with the doctor as complete tattoo erasion is not guaranteed in every case
  • The number of sessions required to remove the whole tattoo
  • The estimated cost of the overall procedure
  • The estimated recovery period and the duration of leave you’ll have to take from work
  • Possible side effects 

Benefits Of Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment 

Laser tattoo removal at Dr. Madan Aesthetics offers several benefits including:

  • Safer than other procedures
  • Provides satisfactory results in most cases
  • Effective in removing different types of tattoos
  • Low risk of infection and other complications
  • Minimal to no risk of scarring
  • Cost-effective procedure
  • Outpatient procedure
  • Requires a brief recovery period

Advanced Treatment Techniques For Permanent Tattoo Removal In Delhi 

At Dr. Madan Aesthetics, we offer you top-quality treatments aided by advanced technology equipment. Our specialists are well-versed in the art of managing and treating different medical and cosmetic cases associated with the skin. They opt for tested and proven advanced treatment techniques to deliver the desired results.

Visit Dr. Madan Aesthetics for the best tattoo removal in Delhi at an affordable cost and at the hands of experienced professionals.

Tattoo Removal Cost In Delhi 

The cost of tattoo removal in Delhi depends on various parameters including the size, location, age, and colors of the tattoo. Another important factor is the tattoo removal technique used for the purpose. 

At Dr. Madan Aesthetics you get premium tattoo removal treatment in a controlled, sanitary, and medically advanced environment. We can help you get rid of your unwanted tattoos at highly economical laser tattoo removal prices.


Yes, you can remove a tattoo 100% with the right techniques and professional help. Based on the age, size, and colors of your tattoo and the nature of your skin, your doctor would suggest the best-suited methods for you. It may take multiple sessions for tattoos that are older, larger, or multicolored. Consult with your doctor to set clear expectations before starting the treatment.

Tattoo removal is considered to be a generally safe procedure if administered by a certified medical professional, preferably a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. However, different individuals have varied reactions to a particular treatment. So it is advisable that you consult with your dermatologist and ensure that you are eligible for the procedure. Also, closely follow the doctor’s instructions for preparation of the treatment and the aftercare. Not taking the necessary precautions may put you at risk of infection or scarring.

Tattoo removal treatments are often performed after administering anesthesia to the patients. Methods like surgical tattoo removal and laser tattoo removal use local anesthetics to prevent any pain during the process. While there is minimal to no pain and/or soreness after laser treatment, your surgical wound would take a few days to heal and might cause pain. The doctor would prescribe you painkillers for a more comfortable and painless recovery.

A laser tattoo removal procedure can usually remove the whole tattoo. The efficacy of this technique largely depends on the nature of your tattoo including its size, age, and color. It is easier to remove tattoos that are smaller, more recent, and monochromatic, black more so than others. Talk to your dermatologist about whether you can get rid of 100% of your tattoo and how many laser treatment sessions would it take.

The cost per graft for a hair transplant in Delhi varies based on the source of the grafts and the personalized charges of the hospital/clinic. It is best to determine the expected cost by discussing it with the transplant team before the surgery.

WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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