Scars are a part of the natural healing process of your body. They are formed when fibrous tissues like collagen mend the damage to your skin. Based on the nature of their origin, scars could be flat, raised, sunken, lumpy, or pigmented. While many scars often go unnoticed, others pose medical threats or affect a person’s appearance and self-confidence. In the later case, a treatment for scar removal in Delhi can help you address your concerns.

At Dr. Madan Aesthetics, we conduct a thorough examination of your scars to determine their type and nature before creating a personalized treatment plan. The constant care and expertise of our proficient dermatologists ensure your safety and the effectiveness and reliability of the treatment course.

Who Is The Best Doctor For Scar Removal In Delhi?

Dr. Puneet Madan is an expert dermatologist with over 12 years of experience in helping people resolve their dermatological issues and get their best skin. With his proficiency and understanding of the nature of the skin, Dr. Puneet Madan provides the best scar removal treatment in Delhi.

Whether you have scars from acne, burns, cuts, trauma injuries, or any other factors, Dr. Madan Aesthetics has the right solution for you. Here, we thoroughly examine the nature of your scar including its cause, age, depth, and appearance to determine the treatment approach best suited for you. Dr. Puneet Madan specializes in many advanced methods of scar treatment that promise higher efficiency with lowered time and risks.

Advanced Techniques For Scar Removal In Delhi 

At Dr. Madan Aesthetics, you can realize your wish to significantly diminish your scars. We offer an array of advanced techniques for scar removal under the supervision of highly experienced and accomplished dermatologists. 

Some of the most effective and reliable scar removal treatments are listed below:

  • Topical Methods: This approach involves the prevention of scar formation or reducing its severity at the time of injury. It uses bandages, wraps, pads, or silicone gel to put pressure on the wound. 
  • Ointments: This method is also most effective on an active wound or injury to prevent scarring as the wound heals.
  • Chemical Peels: The use of chemical peels can help diminish slightly sunken scars by removing the upper layer of dead skin cells.
  • Dermabrasion: This method removes the upper dermal layer of dead cells by exfoliation. Simultaneously, it promotes the production of collagen and elastin in the area to help diminish the scar.
  • Laser for Scars: Focused light therapy using lasers can diminish the appearance of scars. Specialized laser treatments like CO2 laser resurfacing can help in treating scars from acne, burns, and injuries.
  • Scar Removal Surgery: This includes procedures like skin grafting which helps in diminishing or concealing the scars. This method, while effective, is often prescribed if other methods do not offer the desired results.

What To Expect Before Scar Removal In Delhi?

Before you get a scar removal treatment in Delhi, our dermatologist checks the scar to determine its nature and the best way to treat it. Our experts suggest that during the weeks before the treatment, you should:

  • Adopt a diet rich in vitamins and minerals
  • Quit smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Avoid taking immunosuppressants and anticoagulants
  • Consult with your doctor about taking any medication including prescription drugs like isotretinoin

The preparation for the procedure mainly depends on the treatment method opted for in your case. For treatments like scar removal surgery and laser, our doctors apply numbing cream to your skin or give you a local anesthetic to ensure your comfort and carry out the procedure without causing you any pain.

What To Expect After Scar Removal In Delhi? 

Most techniques involved in scar treatment are outpatient procedures. Therefore, you should be allowed to go home after the treatment. In case of surgery, our doctors may keep you under observation for a brief period after allowing you to return home. 

The downtime after a scar removal treatment depends on the treatment method. While you can return to your regular schedule shortly after procedures like lasers and chemical peels, recovery after surgery or skin grafting would take one to four weeks.

During the healing period, avoid using harsh commodities on the treated area and protect it from direct sun exposure. Our doctors provide guidance and prescribe medications for your quick and efficient recovery.

Scar removals by laser surgery

It’s been a while since we have discussed the most overrated problem of every generation, which is the scars. Does the word sound familiar? Yes, of course, it does; almost everyone, in their life, has a deal with the problem of scars, be they burn scars, pigmented scars, or any other accidental scars.

Who does not want to shed the scars that cause a drop in confidence, beauty, and inner peace? You, me, and many others like us have been surveying different therapies, methods, medications, and whatnot to get rid of these scars, and all of them come with the condition of patience and take time. Unfortunately, none of them come with guarantees and have proven to work. However, with time, the advancement in medicine has proven its significance, as have the procedures of laser treatment. It is believed that laser treatments can improve scars and enhance the appearance of an individual. Luckily, Dr. Madan’s Skin, Hair, and Laser Clinic is a proven dermatologist clinic that provides successful laser treatment for scar reduction.

Before we further talk about the reduction of scars through laser treatment, must know about the basics of laser treatment, and what is the treatment.

How Scars Are Formed

Before you move ahead to the treatment of the cause are you even aware of the causes? How is it developed? The scar is a visible spot that varies in color from the rest of the body signifying the healing of the injury at that site.

So basically, after an injury, the human body starts the procedure of healing the particular site of injury. After the injury, the development of a scab takes place over the injured site to protect the wound from any bacterial infection that can produce infection and worsen the wound. The scab –that forms eventually falls.

Occasionally, the skin beneath the scab is the same color as the rest of the body. A scar is often left after the scab falls off if the depth of the injury or wound is large. These scars fade over time, and if not, they apply for laser treatment under certain conditions.

What is Laser Treatment?

We have heard so many myths about laser treatment that we almost deny the fact that laser treatment can bring appreciable changes to your appearance. Now, it’s valuable to understand what it is and how it functions. Doctors focused laser therapy on light therapy for eliminating the outer layer of the damaged skin surface, which promotes the production of new skin cells. These laser treatments for scars can lessen the appearance of warts, skin crinkles, age spots, scars, and keloids. The laser treatment can also remove tumors and other benign or malignant growths, be a beneficial treatment for hair loss, and treat pain.

The laser treatment can remove the scars such as Injury scars, Burn scars, Acne scars, Dark spots, Age spots, and some other hyperpigmentation

The treatment works in the following manner: the doctor uses a laser wand, which is moved all over the patient’s skin, to remove the damaged skin cells and tissues, which reduces the appearance of scars. However, before the procedure, the skin or portion of the treatment is anesthetized by topical anesthesia or, in rare cases, sedation. We consider laser treatment an outpatient procedure that is only performed by our experienced and certified doctor.

Side effects and the recommendations of the doctor

Like any other treatment or therapy, the procedure for removing scars from laser treatment may also carry some risks. As of now, as we know that laser treatment includes both heat and light, we see some individuals are sensitive to light, and in such cases, we do not recommend it to opt for laser treatment techniques to remove scars. Certain drugs may also give rise to some sensitivities. In addition, because of the increased risk of bleeding in the method, the dermatologist may prohibit an individual from receiving laser treatment if he or she is taking blood-thinning drugs.

The dermatologist may also restrain the laser treatment procedure if an individual is having

  1. Active acne
  2. Skin sores
  3. Darker skin

So, the patient must consult the respective doctor before opting for laser treatment for the removal of scars.

After the procedure, we may observe some minor side effects.

  • Mild Pain
  • Mild Swelling
  • Redness
  • Momentary fluid discharge

The above side effects will diminish and eventually cease within a few days after the laser therapy. Healing does not require a long period.

There are some postoperative recommendations such as:

  • No sun or light exposure
  • Avoid using make-up
  • Quit smoking
  • Wash and moisturize your face
  • Apply cold packs

How does the laser treatment work?

Scar removal with laser surgery does not expunge the scar. Rather, it designed them in such a way that they will diminish to an extent where these scars become less visible. Almost all scars fade with time, but if some scars persist, laser surgery for scars may be an option for removing the damaged upper layer of the skin’s surface. Laser treatment smoothes the skin to enhance its tone and appearance. The method of using lasers isn’t limited to one extent; it can also target the blood vessels that are inside the scar tissue, resulting in reduced redness. Along with this, focused ray therapy for the removal of scars infiltrates the skin’s surface, accelerating the generation of new skin cells. Dr. Madan’s skin aesthetics, hair, and lasers use innovative technology machines and techniques to improve the outcomes of laser surgery.

Types of Laser treatment

  • Ablative or laser resurfacing

As its name suggests, resurfacing means in this technique the laser works by removing the outer layer of skin, eradicating the damaged skin cells from the surface. Such techniques are being used to reduce the visibility of acne scars, warts, and wrinkles. The dermatologist uses a CO2 laser to remove the deeper scars whereas an erbium laser is for the superficial scars.

  • Fractionated laser resurfacing

This technique involves the penetration of a laser beam into the deeper layer of skin to eliminate dark-pigmented cells, accelerating the production of collagen and skin cell regeneration, and making the scars least visible.

  • Non-ablative laser resurfacing

This technique uses infrared heat lasers to infiltrate the innermost layer of skin and accelerate collagen generation and cell regeneration to restore new cells in place of damaged skin cells.

Cost Of Laser Scar Removal In Delhi 

The cost of laser scar removal in Delhi varies between clinics and doctors. At Dr. Madan Aesthetics, you get expert medical attention and a personalized treatment approach at a highly affordable scar laser treatment cost. The average cost of laser scar removal surgery varies depending on several factors, but it ranges between Rs 30,000 and Rs 100,000. The use of cutting-edge technology at our clinic ensures precision and delivers the best results.

The factors altering the cost of scar removal laser surgery involves

  • Size of the scar
  • Number of the scar
  • Number of sittings required

All the above factors can vary the cost of laser surgery; however, the location, facilities, and experienced doctors may also alter the cost.

Cost Of CO2 Laser Scar Removal In Delhi 

Dr. Madan Aesthetics provides the most effective and reliable laser CO2 laser scar removal treatment at highly economical prices. You can consult with our expert team to devise a treatment approach that suits you the best and get a cost-effective CO2 laser scar removal treatment.

Benefits Of Scar Removal In Delhi 

A scar removal treatment in Delhi offers various benefits including:

  • It reduces the appearance of scars and can even make them unnoticeable 
  • The availability of different techniques ensures that you get the most suitable treatment
  • The treatment can be performed on any part of your body
  • Scar removal is generally considered safe and reliable if performed by experienced professionals
  • It usually takes minimal to no downtime


The development of the medical field has led to various advanced methods of scar removal. Under the right supervision and guidance, you can reduce the appearance of scars of any nature without the worry of associated risks. 

Dr. Puneet Madan offers expert services to people looking for scar removal in Delhi and guides them through every step of the treatment. Dr. Madan Aesthtics Clinic boasts of the latest medical technology and skilled and attentive medical staff to ensure your safety and comfort around the clock. 

To get the best scar removal treatment in Delhi at affordable prices, visit Dr. Madan Aesthetics, or book an appointment on their website. 


It is not possible to entirely remove a scar through treatment. However, through certain advanced scar removal techniques, you can diminish their appearance and, in some cases, make them almost unnoticeable. The efficacy of scar removal techniques greatly depends on the nature of the scars.

The cost of scar removal in India varies among different regions and service providers. Scar removal treatment cost in India also greatly depends on the treatment method, the type of scar to be treated, the area of the skin to be treated, and the number of treatment sessions required.

Scars cannot be removed 100% by scar removal methods. But these treatments can help you minimize their appearance and even make them unnoticeable.

Laser scar removal treatment methods are considered generally safe. However, as every skin reacts to any treatment differently, it is best to consult with your dermatologist before undergoing this procedure. If you have previous experience of an adverse reaction after a laser treatment, you should avoid this treatment.

The cost per graft for a hair transplant in Delhi varies based on the source of the grafts and the personalized charges of the hospital/clinic. It is best to determine the expected cost by discussing it with the transplant team before the surgery.

WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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