Blepharoplasty In Delhi

When someone looks at your face, the first thing they notice is your eyes. Your eyes are an important part of your overall appearance. But the first place the ageing symptoms appear is in that same area.

Eyelids lose elasticity as they age, resulting in drooping upper lids and bags under the eyes. The area of the eyelids expands, fat pockets protrude, and muscles weaken. Wrinkles and fine lines develop where there is too much loose skin around the eyes.

Ageing is a natural process.It is unavoidable. However, blepharoplasty at Dr Madan Aesthetics can restore your youthful appearance.

What is blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a surgery that removes excess skin, soft muscles, and bulging fat from the upper or lower eyelids and minimises bagginess. It is most often done for cosmetic reasons, and it also strengthens the eyesight of elderly people whose vision is impaired by drooping upper eyelids.

Types of Blepharoplasty

  • Functional blepharoplasty: Functional blepharoplasty refers to eyelid surgeries done for medical reasons.
  • Cosmetic blepharoplasty: It is primarily performed to enhance the looks of the eyes, making you appear more awake and youthful.

What is the purpose of blepharoplasty?

You should think about blepharoplasty if you have:

  • Bagginess of the lower eyelids
  • Droopy upper eyelids
  • Irritation caused by rubbing of the eyelid skin's excess folds
  • Sagging of the upper or lower eyelids, making it difficult to use glasses or contact lenses.
  • Forehead pain, caused by overusing muscles to hold sagging skin in the eyelid area.
  • Drooping upper eyelids affect your peripheral vision.
  • To improve eyelid contour
  • Your lower eyelids have excess skin.

Treatment Solutions

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

The skin of the eyelid is supple and elastic in some patients, and there is a need to reduce the excess area around the eyelid. In such situations, transconjunctival blepharoplasty is performed.

Upper blepharoplasty

Excision of loose skin and fat tissue is done to treat droopy and inflated upper lids. The saggy area that gives the upper eyelids a droopy and tired appearance is reduced, and the residual skin is connected to develop the firm appearance of the upper eyelids. Underlying muscles are also tightened.

Lower blepharoplasty

It is a method used to redistribute or reduce the deposition of extra fat tissue beneath the eye. Additionally, sagging skin beneath the lower eyelid can be stiffened by eliminating extra skin and forming a firmer surface.

Are you the best candidate for blepharoplasty?

Individuals who are healthy, have realistic expectations, and have no serious eye conditions are the best candidates for blepharoplasty. The individual should be free of any medical conditions that may impede recovery and must not smoke. Before deciding on an upper blepharoplasty at Dr Madan Aesthetics, discuss your goals with your surgeon.

Procedure of blepharoplasty

During upper blepharoplasty, the upper eyelids are cut along the eyelid fold by the surgeon. The excess muscle, skin, and fat are removed by the surgeon. The specialist then closes the incision.

On the lower lid, the surgeon makes an incision just below the eyelashes in the innate crease of your eyes or inside the lower lids. Excess muscle, fat, and drooping skin are removed or redistributed by the surgeon. The doctor then closes the incision.

Your doctor may perform a ptosis procedure along with blepharoplasty if the upper eyelid droops near your pupil. Ptosis is a procedure that lifts and removes extra eyelid skin.

What to expect

Blepharoplasty delivers satisfactory outcomes in the majority of cases. You will have a more youthful appearance, which will enhance your confidence. There are no longer any droopy eyelids or excess skin. The swelling and bruising will go away in 10–14 days. Scars from surgical cuts may take up to a month to disappear.

Blepharoplasty results can last for a decade or more, depending on your health. However, as you age, you may be required to redo the procedure.

Possible complications and risks of blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty complications and risks are uncommon, but they do rarely happen. The following issues can arise:

  • Dry eyes
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Potential vision loss
  • Abnormal eyelid discoloration
  • An inability to completely close the eyes
  • Unusual folding out or in of the eyelid skin
  • A lowering of the lower-lid lash line

Even if these symptoms are rare, it is critical to be aware of possible complications before undergoing surgery.

Why choose Dr Madan Aesthetics for blepharoplasty

Dr Madan Aesthetics specialises in assisting you with your blepharoplasty from beginning to end. In all of our skin procedures and treatments, we trust only the most advanced technologies and equipment. Our professional and welcoming staff is dedicated to assisting you with your upper blepharoplasty journey.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is a high-quality healthcare provider that offers a wide range of skin-care, non-surgical, and surgical procedures. If you've decided that blepharoplasty is the best option for you, Dr Madan Aesthetics is a great place to start.


WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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