Thread lift

The sharp rise in the use of non-invasive techniques has switched the aesthetic culture. Most individuals are now opting for non-invasive, reduced pain, inexpensive procedures which usually don't require more downtime and recover in a shorter period. Accounting for many cosmetic procedures, the thread lift is the most common and recent beauty treatment these days. Thread lifts are a type of cosmetic treatment with recent approaches to non-surgical skin tightening.

The non-surgical ThreadLift at Dr Madan's skin aesthetic hair and laser is an excellent outcome to improve facial profiles and helps in lifting the saggy skin of the cheeks, jaw area, neck and the area surrounding the eyebrow. Dr Puneet Madan is one of the best dermatologists for thread lift treatment in New Delhi and has established particular strategies for the best outcomes of thread lift procedures. All thread lift techniques that are performed at Dr Madan's are executed by certified and experienced doctors following the formal guidelines of hygiene and protection.

What is a thread lift?

We all are aware that it is always essential to grasp knowledge about the treatment before you go for it. The commonly used Thread lift treatment is a cosmetic therapy that delivers a minimally invasive substitute to facelift surgery.

The cosmetic treatment of thread lifts declares to tighten the skin of an individual by putting in the medical-grade thread substance into the face and then “pulling” your skin up by tightening the thread. These cosmetic procedures help in countering loose, saggy skin and effectively tighten and lift skin. It is seen that thread lift generates the production of collagens, enabling the skin to conserve volume and hydration that ultimately enhances the appearance.

The thread which is used in the procedure is composed of the component named polydioxanone(PDO). The thread lift skin lifting procedure mainly accounts for the underlying skin areas:

  1. Cheek area 
  2. Neck 
  3. Eyebrow lift
  4. Jawline lift 
  5. Skin folds of the nose to lips
  6. Facial lines near the mouth 
  7. Arms 
  8. Abdomen 


The thread lift treatment uses a soluble thread substance which is resistant to infection and bacterial contamination. The procedure encompasses numerous steps. The foremost step implicates the administration of local anesthesia. After numbing the surgical sites the PDO thread is inserted in the skin with the help of a micro-needle cannula, and then it is pulled which tightens the skin and removes the saggy and loose skin, ultimately achieving the aim of the treatment. Dr Puneet Madan is one of the most professional and skilled dermatologists in delivering thread lift surgery. Dr Madan has provided a large number of healthy and successful thread lift surgeries.


Thread lift surgery is mainly classified into three various categories:

  1. Surgical 
  2. Non- surgical 

Surgical thread lift is analogized to the facelift and is performed in two ways

  1. Free-floating thread- the free-floating threads are placed underneath the skin after administration of local anesthesia and then it is pulled into place, building the contour. 
  2. Fixed threads- these types of thread directly adhere to the skin's underlying layer which will result in a tightening of the skin and conjunction with the removal of extra skin for better outcomes. The healing period might take one to two weeks. 
  • Non-surgical Thread Lift: 

This is the middle ground between surgical and cosmetic thread treatments. It is suitable for people who want minimal to normal stretching. The method also changes the skin tissue in terms of increased collagen formation. radicals on the skin but give a remarkable improvement to the face. The result lasts between 10 and 18 months.

  • Facelift- 

A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is cosmetic surgery to give the face a more youthful appearance. Reshapes the lower half of the face by removing excess facial skin and tightening loose, sagging skin around the jawline. It can also remove deep wrinkles around the mouth and nose, as well as excess sagging skin and fat under the chin and on the neck. 

It can also tighten the underlying tissues and be combined with other surgeries to enhance the forehead, cheeks, eyebrows and eyelids.

Operations are usually performed on an outpatient basis. It can be performed with local anesthesia and sedatives or general anesthesia. The procedure can last from 2 to 4 hours and the patient can usually go home the same day after the operation. The incisions for the facelift are based on the techniques to be used and the patient's choices. The options are:

  • Traditional facelift incision:

Starts at the temples at the hairline goes down and around the front of the ears, and ends at the back of the ears at the bottom of the scalp. An incision can also be made under the chin to improve the look of your neck. 

  • A limited incision:

 A comparatively shorter incision that starts at the hairline just above the ear and wraps around the front of the ear, but doesn't reach the bottom of the scalp. 

  • Neck Lift Incision

Begins in front of the earlobe and continues around the ear to the bottom of the scalp. A small incision is also made under the chin.

Nonetheless, it is also promoted that thread lift is a somewhat recent procedure and all the essential strategies must be followed.


The total amount of time that would be carried is about 20-40 minutes, which primarily relies on the number of areas that need to be treated. 

The downtime for such cosmetic procedures is never much, as the treatment is generally performed by the minimally invasive technique with cannula-based threads. However, slight bruising, pain and minor swelling along with discomfort are predicted to last for half or a maximum of three days. Moreover, some rare effects can be noticed like any other treatment. 


There are always some post-operative instructions that are meant to be followed by an individual to achieve the desired results and avoid any mishappening. 

The day after the surgery the dermatologist will discard any of the equipment such as the drainage tube. Afterwards, the dermatologist will put on some antibiotic ointments at the site of the incisions and will change the dressing. 

Two to three days later, the dermatologist will give you a green signal to swap the bandages with an elasticized face sling. 

The initial few days after the treatment- 

  • Lay with the head elevated 
  • Only consider the painkillers that are prescribed by the dermatologist. 
  • To eliminate swelling and pain, a doctor may suggest the use of ice packs. 
  • Visit the dermatologist periodically according to the follow-up schedules for the next two months of thread lift. 

Several postoperative contraindications are being employed that are as follows-

  • Avoid picking at the scabs that are developed over the wound. 
  • Timeline after which the use of soaps and shampoos can be used. 
  • Avoid pull-overs 
  • Avoid activities that can lead to excessive pressure or motion on and around the incisions. 
  • Avoid harsh or cosmetic products.
  • Avoid heavy exercises etc. 


The average cost of thread lift cosmetic surgery is about INR 2500 onwards which may vary depending on the type and amount of thread being used during the surgery. 

Factors such as location, facilities, and certified and experienced doctors may also alter the cost of the thread lift treatment. Dr Madan ensures cost-effective treatment at his clinic along with satisfactory results. 


A thread lift can deliver a younger and more graceful appearance. Though, the results of a thread lift don't last, on average, the thread lift treatment lasts for almost 10 years. With age, the skin may again start to become saggy and which is inevitable but again can be temporarily treated.

For quality treatment and desired results opt for Dr Puneet Madan who can provide the cost-effective and desired results in New Delhi.

WHY CHOOSE US?Dr Madan Aesthetics is home to one of the top plastic surgery centers in the country.

Dr Madan Aesthetics is widely known for skin-related procedures and cosmetic surgery. We are known for blending Art and Science of Dermatology and Plastic surgery, in the most pristine way, to give you the most 'Amazing look'.

Other reasons to consult Dr. Puneet includes:

Dr Madan Aesthetics is the Best Skin and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Delhi. It a state-of-the-art modern dermatology and cosmetic surgery centre that combines medical, surgical and cosmetic dermatology to provide diagnosis and treatment for various skin concerns. Led by the top Skin specialist in Delhi, along with the best Dermatologist and plastic surgeon in Delhi, the clinic is equipped with the latest equipment and techniques to treat the most complex of cases. The professionals here are experts in their fields, with a lot of experience in handling different skin and hair issues. The main aim of the Skin specialist in Delhi is to help people in their efforts to look and feel their absolute best at all times.

Offering the services of the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgery in Delhi, Dr Madan Aesthetics has a variety of equipment, all of which are FDA approved, and which conform to the highest standards of safety. The treatments at Dr Madan Aesthetics are carried out by the best Skin Specialist and Cosmetic Surgeon in Delhi under strict supervision.

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